Show me so I can understand

  Maybe it’s social media, or the vast amount of content and the speed of the internet, or maybe it’s the evolution of the human mind … but the reality is that people want to be shown rather than discover something themselves. Taking time to read information on a subject, analyzing the facts and coming… Continue reading Show me so I can understand

84% of online shoppers use social media sites

      When customers shop online, they want multiple options that all lead to convenience according to a report by comScore and UPS. “UPS Pulse of the Online Shopper: A Customer Experience Study”. With a statistic of 84% of online shoppers also using social media sites – its time to tie the two together.… Continue reading 84% of online shoppers use social media sites

Keep Calm and Post Often

      It happens so often that for a business, social media can be the forgotten medium or the highlight of brand existence and interchange between the two extremes from week to week. Many times customers like a page or follow a feed because they like a brands campaign, get into the story, love every detail ….then… Continue reading Keep Calm and Post Often

Negative online reviews & how to deal with them

Both negative and positive reviews online is something companies should pay big attention to. You gain great creditability when your company or product has a lot of good reviews, and it can drive traffic to your site organically due to SEO. When you do receive a negative review (and I say do because it is a… Continue reading Negative online reviews & how to deal with them

Content marketing is ….

Content marketing is a marketing technique of creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and acquire a clearly defined audience – with the objective of driving profitable customer action. This is a very formal way of looking at what we do, but it is spot on! Social Media content is not only… Continue reading Content marketing is ….

Content + conversations + relationships = ROI

For those that need to see marketing in the traditional sense of ROI, social media is very easy to analysis. Traditional marketing has been around so long that no one questions the ROI figures that miraculously are associated to a magazine or billboard advertisement. But how can they really measure if the reader or passerbyer… Continue reading Content + conversations + relationships = ROI

Moms are 3x more social … get their attention!

We all know being a mom is hard work, and with the little time they do have they are turning to the trusty internet to get up to date information fast. Moms are also looking for tip and advise to help make their day more productive. And it’s not always about ‘kid stuff’ – moms… Continue reading Moms are 3x more social … get their attention!

Encourage customer testimonials on social media platforms … then boost them!

“89% of consumers believe that customer testimonials are the most effective content.” – Susan Gunelius, Newstex We previously wrote a post about Visual Customer Testimonials and how content now is tending towards the visual – and your testimonials should also. With the above statistic, it is a fullstop need for all businesses to harnest the power of customer testimonials… Continue reading Encourage customer testimonials on social media platforms … then boost them!

Build brand loyalty with Social Media

    What if every person who bought one of your products, was a captive audience for every other product you sell? what if that one time-buy turned that person into a lifelong customer.  With retail shops many people, walk in, love the experience, buy products and leave … and you never get to know their… Continue reading Build brand loyalty with Social Media

Social media is a key purchase driver

According to Social Media Today only 14% of consumers trust adverts, where 78% of consumers trust social peer recommendations.     These are big statistics! Social media can be a great platform to communicate to your existing clients, prompting them to share their love of the brand as much as you do. Keeping an up… Continue reading Social media is a key purchase driver